Saturday, August 29, 2009

Comments from a foreign writer Bryant on Mahathir's article : Kaki dalam Kasut where he says Chinese is the real master of Malaysia.‏

*This article was written without fear or favour, and it is up to us todigest individually the truth of the matter, especially for all Malaysians(irrespective of race, colour, creed or religion)..........thanks to AlanTan for sharing.*

NB: It was written by a foreign writer and addressed to Dr Mahathir. Be free to share it with all your friends and relatives.

The highly respected Tun,

China is coming up, India is coming up, Vietnam is coming up and now evenRussia is on the rise. In this flat world that is all wired up andregardless whether we are Malaysian Malay, Chinese or Indian, and ifMalaysia does not progress, all of us would become history of this country!Without the Malay, Chinese could not do well in the country and without theChinese, Malay would not do well. Both have to work together to bring upMalaysia and mitigate the ascute impact that is being brought about by theglobalisation. For me, a true leader is someone who has the foresight thatnot only focus on one particular group in the country but take care of thefuture of everyone. A good leader is someone who know what is the biggestthreat the country is facing and direct the people to fight off the threat.A leader is also someone who is impartial that has the ability to promoteharmony in the country for a long period of time.

UMNO is a political looser that leads the country to nowhere. They do notunderstand what is going on the outside world. They have no clue whereMalaysia will be in the next 30 years. With the 3 new superpowers, i.eIndian, China and Russia standing tall and high together with USA and theEurope Union, they do not know what kind of world it would be and howMalaysia is going to compete and share the ever smaller slice of cake of theworld economy. They only know how to get the Malays to fight with otherNon-Malay on tiny issues within Malaysia, while the two races know jollywell that the issues they are fighting are trivial and is totallyself-satisfying. UMNO does not give a damn to how the poor Malay is going tolive in the future and they do not care about the real benefits of the poorMalays. They only want the votes from them. The NEP is a good evidence onhow they benefit the cronies, instead of the poor Malay. Despite all theirdespicable acts they are still in the power.

The highly respected Tun,

As you are aware, the Malays control the rights to all the lands and allother natural resources in this country. They control all governmentinstitutions, GLC and State owned companies. The Malays dominate thelawmaking process in Malaysia; The Malays control the decision makingprocess in formulating the economy policies. The Malays own the largestnational assets and the Malays are given shares in the public listedcompanies for free. The Malays have also been given all kind of prioritieswhen it comes to buying properties, awarding of public contracts, tertiaryeducation opportunities, awarding of scholarships and even getting a job ingovernment departments. With all these privileges and rights enjoyed by theMalays, you are saying nothing has been done enough to help the Malays tocatch up with other races, mainly the Chinese. Then what else shouldMalaysia do to satisfy the Malays? Did the Chinese seize or rob anythingaway from the Malays or all their wealth was a result of their hard work? Ifit is all due to their hard work, why do you say it is unfair? I don't quiteget your point here.

May I humbly ask you what do you expect the Chinese to do if your so-calledNEP did not achieve the desired result? Would the Malays be happy if theethnic Chinese in this country do any of the followings:

- surrender their assets and hard earned money to the Malaysunconditionally;
- not to engage in any business activities;
- not to score As in all sort of examinations;
- not to make money that is more than the Malays are earning;
- not to advance to higher education; or
- renounce their citizenships and go back to China or migrate to some othercountries?

I am a foreigner but I am surprised that your intention is to divide yourown country. I think you are mainly targeting the Chinese. Frankly, tell us,what do you expect the Chinese to do in order to achieve what is so called"equality" meant by you?

Tun, after all these criticism you have against the present government, Ifeel that you are starting to loose your rationality on your arguments. Youhave run out of good reasons to convince us. I guess it could be due to youraccumulating jealousy of Mr Lee Kuan Yew, your former counterpart inSingapore. But reality is always hard to accept. No matter how, you have toaccept the fact that he is regarded the Father of Singapore but you are notregarded the Father of Malaysia; you have to accept the fact that Mr Lee isable to influence the government of Singapore until he the day he dies butyou have not been able to influence the government from the moment youstepped down as PM. You must also accept the fact that he is still verypopular on the world stage and a leader respected by many but you are notquite. Because of these jealousies, you are starting to accumulateimbalances in yourself that lead you to embark on a series of action toattack your successors. It is very obvious that you are not happy when yoursuccessors are more popular than you. Is there any good of doing that? Whatis your intention? Can't you take it easy? During your time, you criticisedmost of the developed countries especially the Western Countries out ofjealousy and after stepping down as PM you criticise every single soulremained in the cabinet for not listening to you. When will you ever stopcriticising any people? Can't you respect the decision of others?

Back to your recent blog, is there anything wrong with Chinese in thiscountry? Did they seize or rob the money away from the Malays? Did they havethe ability to come out with any policies to marginalise the Malays? Didthey dominate the lawmaking process of this country? Did they formulate theeconomy policies in this country? Did they control the governmentdepartments in this country? Did they control the state owned companies andGLC in this country? Did they control the country's largest oil companiesand banks? You know the answer right? Malays are the one who dominate thethe lawmaking process of this country; Malays are the one that formulate theeconomy policies in this country that favours the Malays. Malays are theones that control the government departments, state owned companies and GLC.Malays are the one the control the funds in this country. Malays are alsothe ones that control the largest oil companies and banking industry in thiscountry. With all these rights enjoyed by the Malays, what else do you wantthe Chinese to do? Surrender their houses and savings and their wealth thatthey earned with their hard work to the Malays, for no reason? or ask allthe Chinese to renounce their citizenship and go back to China? Have youever thought of after 30 years of implementing NEP, why it does not achievethe desired result? Don't forget under the NEP there are a series ofpolicies that favors the Malays. The obvious ones would be the distributionsof APs and awarding of contracts. If with all these policies, it still dosenot give the Malay what they want, what else do you want the Chinese to do?Is the Chinese to be blamed because they are too hard working? Or the Malaysto be blamed because they do not treasure the opportunities given? You knowvery well the NEP has been misused and it only benefits the cronies. So ifyou have designed NEP to only benefits the cronies, please don't say it isthe problem of Chinese that NEP does not achieve its result. It has nothingto do with the Chinese but NEP and the Malay themselves.

This is a globalised world, Chinese and Malays should not be fightingagainst each other because Malaysia is competing with other countries. Chinaused to be backward and lagging behind Malaysia but now they have caught upand have even surpassed Malaysia. Can we ask them to slow down theirdevelopment? If they refuse to listen can we make a complaint to the UnitedNation that China is developing too fast and this is very unfair toMalaysia, which adapts a more a passive approach? Who give you the right toprevent others from progressing? Who you think you are? This is a flat world(Obviously Tun did not read the book named "The World is Flat"). Don't be sonarrow minded to only focus on the Chinese or Malay in Malaysia. We shouldnow look at the world as a flat world. If Malaysia does not progress, nomatter we are Malay or Chinese, we would be extinct one day!

Have a God-blessed day.

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